
Space Falcon is a gaming studio and startup with multiple titles in development, scaling the web3 gaming experience and revolutionizing virtual adventures with GameFi initiatives.

We are empowering storytelling, virtual worlds, ownership, and competitions through games by applying our GameFi model and native token - $FCON.

Besides the recently launched Aviatrix, there is another huge game in development with the goal to onboard the next generation of players and making Web3 gaming a preferable space to connect with others along with nurturing the true ownership of digital assets.

Web3 Gaming Summit in the Philippines

On November 23-25th 2023, we attended our very first Web3 gaming summit in the Philippines where we had the chance to present our first Aviatrix game alongside our key partner Linea. Together we did co-marketing activities, which proved to be a tremendous success. On the first day, we reached even 10,000 new users and 1 month after we got over 150,000 sign-ups.

Beginners Sheet

Project Name

Space Falcon

Token Symbol


Token Address




Coin Gecko

Coin Market Cap

Official Website

Sign Up



Whitelist Spots

Buy Falcon Points

Total Supply

19 000 000 000


🌐EcosystemđŸ‘ĨInvestors & Partners

Get Started

We've put together some helpful guides for you to get set up with our ecosystem quickly and easily.

🎮Aviatrix Game🎟ī¸How to Get Whitelisted?

Download Aviatrix (Mac & Windows ONLY)

Last updated